Victory in the Mind – Part 2

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night…” Joshua 1:8 (NIV)

“The mind is the battleground.” How many times have you heard this statement?

Joshua was instructed by God to meditate on His (God’s) Word day and night so that it would fill his heart, mind, and mouth. Also, God commanded him to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:7), and there is a connection there. His mind and mouth had to think and speak God’s Word in order for him to be strong and of good courage. We see the necessity for Joshua to govern his thoughts.

Just as it was necessary for Joshua to govern his thoughts by the Word of the Lord, it is important for you to meditate daily on God’s Word – allowing it to fill your mind before anything else.

Today, it is even better because Jesus has come. He is the Word made flesh. You have the Spirit of Christ residing in you. You have the Name that is above every other name as your spiritual authority. Moreover, you have a two-edged sword, which is the Word of God, at your disposal.

Beloved, have you seen the importance of God’s Word? All things are possible to those who believe (Mark 9:23), but without knowledge of the Word of God, you don’t have the correct Truths to believe.

Begin to follow God’s specific instructions, fill your thoughts with things the Bible tells you to, and watch how the world will begin to unfurl before you.

Remember, random thoughts lead to random accomplishments, so fill your mind with things that are true, reputable, noble, praiseworthy, and excellent (Philippians 4:8-9).

Why? Victory comes in a package called “OBEDIENCE.”

Read: Isaiah 26:3; 2 Timothy 1:7

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 13; Matthew 15:10-39; Genesis 43; Genesis 44

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